Building Sustainable Classrooms: The Importance of Teacher and Student Relationship

The focus of a great teacher is on connections and relationships, not on compliance!
(inspired by a famous quote)
Teachers leave a never-ending impact on the lives of students. It is the power of a teacher and student relationship that ignites a love for learning for a lifetime. In this process, they juggle hats to being leaders, friends, and second parents across many stages of our lives. It is the teacher who takes the students through the classroom learning using his/her expertise. Teachers and students relationship is imperative for a successful academic journey.
Let’s unveil some beautiful layers of this topic. And discover what makes the relationship of teacher and student so invaluable for society!
But before we get started with the teacher and student relationship, let’s run down some facts.
Managing the Forefront of Learning
From simple common salt experiments in the lab to the scorching heat of the physical education classes in the summers, our teachers deserve much more appreciation than they ever get.
Trust me when I say that the strength of a positive teacher student relation is unknown to most of us. It builds an authentic bond of trust between them. A good teacher establishes a rapport with students that often supersedes the one that they have with their parents. Good teachers care, lead, and understand the exact learning requirements.
End result?
Students feel that they are heard, and trusted. The magical teacher and students bond makes the most mundane subjects/topics joyous and fun.
Experts have proved that teachers can foster a student’s learning. So when there is a close relationship of teacher and student, good learning is bound to follow.
The Level and Quality of Learning
A good teacher and student relationship is always at the center of a memorable educational experience.
The power of a teacher manifests a wave of positive emotional involvement, resulting in better quality learning.
UNESCO considers ‘Teaching and Learning’ as one of the most important quality and learning indicators. Because teaching methods, learning time, assessment, class size, etc. affect the overall level and quality of learning. >
Different students learn in different ways. Besides, teachers and students relationship is what transforms an ordinary learning experience into a superlative one.
Holistic Growth and Development Including SEL
Picture a relationship of teacher and student full of trust and understanding.
It can cascade to better academic achievements and produce gains like better peer relationships. When a teacher shares a close bond with students, he/she draws them to the process of learning by instilling a zeal to learn. This makes students more involved. And provides impeccable opportunities for all-round development.
International experts highlight that a healthy teacher student relation largely helps the latter in developing socially (socio-emotional learning or SEL). For many reasons like these, top online schools hire the industry’s best talent to ensure the holistic development of their students.
Now that we are through this much about the teacher and student relationship, it’s time for some ways to build these relationships.